Howe Public School
P.O. Box 259
Howe, OK 74940

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Again this year I will be checking for head lice. I encourage you to check your child's head at least once a week at home. The earlier you find head lice the easier it is to treat. When head lice is found, please follow the instructions below to help get rid of head lice.

Special over the counter lice killing shampoo may be purchased at the drug store or at Wal-Mart. Follow the directions on the box. Do not leave on for more than ten minutes. After use, the hair should be rinsed thoroughly and combed with a nit comb to remove dead lice and all nits. You must remove every nit or they will hatch out and re-infest your child's head. The best way to remove nits is by using your fingernails.

Follow up treatment will be necessary in seven to ten days. You must also clean bedding and clothing, washing in hot water and drying in the dryer for at least 20 minutes. Anything that cannot be washed, place it in a trash bag and leave it for at least one week. Vacuum carpets and furniture in your home and car.

If you discover lice and/or nits on your child's head, please notify the school immediately so the outbreak can be better contained. Remind your child that sharing of hats, hairbrushes, clothing or pillows is one way that head lice is spread.

When the scalp has been treated and the hair is free of lice and nits (eggs), the child may return to school. The Leflore County Health Department will provide clearance for return to school free of charge or you may call and set up a time with the School Nurse to evaluate your child for clearance.

If you have any questions, please contact me at 658-3508.

Lori Hall R.N.
Howe School Nurse