Howe independent School District I-067
School-Parent Compact

Dear Parent/Guardian:

We value your role in working to help your child achieve high academic standards. The purpose of the school-parent compact is to communicate a common understanding of home and school responsibilities to assure that every student attains high academic standards leading to a quality education. The following information will serve as an outline of various ways you and the school staff can build and maintain a partnership of shared responsibility for your child's learning.

School's Responsibility:

Parent's Responsibility: Student's Responsibility: School, Parents, and Student Responsibilities: Please review this compact with your child. The contents of the compact may be discussed with you during a parent/teacher conference as it relates to your child's school progress.

Thank you for your support and involvement in your child's education. For more information please contact the person below.

Scott Parks High School Principal
I have read and discussed the contents of the document with my child as it relates to his/her education in the Howe Public School system.

Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature