Howe Public Schools - 2007/2008
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 box, 16 count crayons
- 1 box tissues
- 1 backpack
- 1 napmat (trifold, fits in cubby)
- 1 blunt end scissors
- 1 school box
- 4 glue sticks
- 4 #2 pencils
- 1 large eraser
- 2 box, 8-16 count crayons
- 1 pair scissors (Fiskar)
- 1 school box
- 1 box tissue (large)
- 1 backpack (no small ones)
- 1 napmat (trifold, fits in cubby)
- headphones
First Grade
- 1 package #2 pencils
- 2 large erasers (no pencil toppers)
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 box 24 count crayons
- 1 backpack (no small ones)
- 1 box tissue (large)
- 1 school box
- headphones
Second Grade
- headphone set
- wide-lined notebook paper
- pocket folder
- crayons (regular size)
- glue sticks
- school box
- 2 large erasers
- 1 box tissue
- pencils
- no trapperkeepers
Third Grade
- notebook paper
- #2 pencils
- scissors
- glue
- crayone/markers
- school box
- 1 large box tissue
- ruler with inches/centimeters
- spiral notebook
- headphone set
- journal
Fourth Grade
- 2 pks loose leaf paper
- crayons/markers
- school paper
- glue
- 2 folders
- #2 pencils
- school box
- scissors
- 2 large boxes tissue
- ink pen
- no trapperkeepers
- no large school bags
- small dictionary
- no spiral notebooks
Fifth Grade
- headphones
- journal
- box of tissue
- basic supples (pencils, papers, no spiral notebooks)
- no trapperkeepers
- no parge school bags
- small dictionary
- #2 pencils
- 1 box baby wipes (cleaning keyboard)
- scissors
- colored pencils
6th-8th Grade
- headphones
- scissors
- loose leaf paper
- small dictionary
- dry erase markers
- colored pencils
- note cards
- box of tissue
- #2 pencils
- no ink pens
- spiral notebooks
- glue sticks
- hand held calculator
- folder
Individual Middle School Classes
- Washington (math) - hand held calculator and notecards
- Brown (science) - notebook (journal), binder, folder, colored pencils
- Powell (reading) - 1 plastic cover spiral notebook (at least 170 pages), 12 glue sticks, small dictionary
- Denton - notebook, small dictionary, hand held calculator